Operating Your Oxygen Cylinder
To Turn Oxygen Cylinder On:
- Using the cylinder wrench, turn the oxygen cylinder valve at least one half turn counter-clockwise.
- Check the pressure gauge to ensure that there is ample oxygen in the tank (full is approx. 2000 psi).
- Adjust the pulse rate as prescribed by your physician and demonstrated by your CRC representative.
- Attach tubing and nasal prongs as required.
- Adjust your nasal prongs for a comfortable fit.
- When finished using the oxygen from the cylinder always turn it off.
To Turn Oxygen Cylinder OFF:
Using the cylinder wrench turn the oxygen cylinder valve clockwise until completely off or closed.
- Allow the oxygen to bleed out of the regulator until the pressure gauge reads zero by turning the dial all the way to “2 LPM Continuous” position
To Change Oxygen Cylinders:
- Make sure the oxygen cylinder valve is completely closed (all the way clockwise) and that the pressure gauge reads zero.
*NEVER attempt to remove the regulator from a cylinder unless the cylinder valve is closed.
- Loosen the hand screw on the regulator and lift it off the cylinder neck.
- Remove the plastic clip and washer that come with every new cylinder.
- Slip the regulator over the cylinder neck and line up the pins on the regulator with the holes on the cylinder. Tighten the hand screw on the regulator.
- There should be one washer between the regulator and the cylinder neck.
- Your regulator is now on and the cylinder is ready for use.
Travelling With Oxygen Cylinders:
- Make sure that the cylinders are kept secured and free of any articles that may roll around them.
- Make sure that there are not any flammable materials in vehicle.
- To prevent any oxygen build up it is recommended that a window be slightly opened.
- Never leave cylinder stored in vehicle for long periods of time. In extreme hot temperatures the safety valve may rupture and cause oxygen leakage, explosion, or fires.
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T1H 2M6
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