Oxygen Concentrator Trouble Shooting
Trouble shooting an oxygen concentrator if problems do occur. First, calmly switch to your back up oxygen source and refer to this section of the manual.
If the alarm sounds check the following:
- Check the plug to ensure proper connection with outlet.
- Check your home breaker to ensure power to outlet.
- Check circuit breaker on concentrator side panel (see diagram).
- If there is power to the outlet and the alarm is continuous there may be an internal problem and Chinook Respiratory Care should be notified. (1-866-315-2954, or 403-329-9153)
If No flow is coming from the nasal prongs you should do a flow test:
Step 1: Submerge the nasal prongs in a glass of water;
- Bubbles indicate a flow.
- No bubbles indicate no flow
Step 2: Check the following areas to check for no flow:
- Ensure the humidifier lid is not cross threaded or loose.
- Ensure all tubing connections are secure.
- Ensure the elbow on the front of unit is tight.
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