CRC Epworth Sleepiness Quiz
Please take the Chinook Respiratory Care Sleepiness Quiz
The Epworth Sleepiness Quiz is a questionnaire used by Chinook Respiratory Care to gauge how likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in certain situations.
- Fill in the required fields (Name, E-mail, Date, Age, Sex)
- Answer the questions as to how sleepy you may be.
- Check off ONLY One answer per question and note the score (0-3)
- When you have completed the questions, fill in the total score from your answers
- Check results and submit your form to Chinook Respiratory Care for further information
CRC Main Office
255-12 Street C North
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 2M6
Email Us:
Phone Us:
Toll-Free 1-866-315-2954
Phone 403-329-9153
Fax 403-329-9128